Pictures may be ordered by contacting me.
Richard McDonald
1627 Brookhaven Blvd. Norman, OK 73072
rmcdonald31@cox.netSelect your pictures using the Zenfolio picture numbers (found by passing your cursor over each thumbnail) and the week of the camp your child attended.
Add $2 to each order if you want your order mailed.
Price list follows:
8x10 Camp Composite - Group picture and 1 individual picture on one 8x10 page——- $12
8x10 Individual Composite - 2 individual pictures on one 8x10 page ——–————— $12
Package A 1 - 8x10, 2 - 5x7, 8 wallets (one pose)—————–———–—————— $24
Package B 2 5x7, 8 wallets (one pose)——————–————–———--—————$15
8x10 prints ————————————————–——–———-————————$12
5x7 prints ——————————————–———--———–——-———————$6
4x6 prints ———————————————–———-——–——-———————$5
8 wallets (one pose) ——————————————————————————$12
Each order receives a complementary 4x6 print